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While we are fresh into the new year, we wanted to talk about one of the most sought out topics when it comes to mobile applications - How Much Are We Saving? What is the ROI?

In an article by Mobius MD, they explained a couple of mHealth statistics as we go into the new year. "The biggest cost saving benefit from mHealth apps will be in reducing hospital costs by decreasing readmission rates and length of stay, and by assisting with patient compliance to medication plans."

Another important statistic is the growth of mHealth and other mobile applications for healthcare organizations to take a look at is the expected revenue value over the nextcouple of years. "The mHealth apps market is valued at $47.7 billion in 2021 and projected to grow to $149 billion by 2028."

As we look into these facts and more through this article, healthcare organizations can see a increase in cost saving benefits as well as patient satisfaction when we look into more virtual related technology moving forward. Clevare Healthcare has tested our product over and over to make sure that we are putting out high-class technology to our partners and there clients.

To learn more about Clevare Healthcare check out the page "Who We Are" and learn more about ROI and mobile health satisfics here:

If you have any questions about our product, email:

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Can you believe it? We have had quite the year to look back at. With COVID-19, lockdowns, changes within work organizations, working remotely, to creating an online presence - lots have changed this year. However, this is only the beginning of huge changes that will alter healthcare - and hopefully for the better!

In 2021 we have...

  • Created a new product!

Clevare Healthcare was created in the COVID-19 pandemic and went live in 2021. We are so excited to see our progress over the years and look back at how our product will adapt to the ever-changing technology industry.

  • Attended our first RSNA!

We were so excited to attend our first RSNA! It was important to understand where our clients were coming from and what they wanted to see/ hear more from us. We cant wait to attend more conferences and keep up with our client's demands.

  • Met some of YOU!

We have created already some new relationships and we can't wait to look back at our "pioneer" partners who have helped us with some incredible feedback and more.

We are looking forward to all of the progress we make in 2022. To learn more about our product, as always look at our website page and let us know if you have any questions on our "Contact Us" page!

Cheers to the New Year!

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Now that we are in the winter months, we wanted to offer up some advice to stay healthy during these next couple of months. During the past 2 years, it's been a rollercoaster with lower immune systems, colds, COVID-19, and more. It's important to note some tips to try and stay healthy while the temperature drops and more outings with more people within the new year.

Tip #1: Stay Hydrated

Tip #2: Nutrition

Tip #3: Sleep

Tip #4: Exercise

To see some more tips on how to stay healthy during the winter read here:! Stay healthy during the winter months and keep your distance if you aren't feeling good!

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