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Features That Are Included In The Best Healthcare Apps

Did you know that only 11% of healthcare organizations have three of the top features patients most desire?

The three features include EHR, Appointment Booking, and prescriptions! (* Clevare Healthcare doesn't have a prescription feature....potentially might be added later on*)


Patients want to have a safe place where they can access their medical records and not feel an uneasy feeling accessing them online. It gives back the patients a sense of control that they have want they need and can have access to it at ALL TIMES!

Appointment Booking

"The ability to book, cancel, and reschedule appointments adds a level of convenience that has been missing from healthcare" Having the ability to look at what appointment times are available for the patient in seconds instead of having to increase wait times and potential errors on the phone creates an appeal for a virtual experience.


"The ability to process refills on their medical prescriptions is a critical component of a hospital app. The goal here is access to care, simplicity of use, and app features that simply make sense from a patient perspective".

In all three of these features, there is a common theme of how important access and individual control over patients OWN needs is important to them.

Clevare Healthcare takes in what patients want to see and uses it for individual healthcare organizations to optimize their impact on their patients. Clevare realizes it is important to look into what the patients want because at the end of the day that is how you will continue a positive connection within the online world.

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